What information is found in each of these calls?
In each of these calls, there is information about the call for proposals, guidelines on what should be in the proposals, how to submit the proposals, the deadline, and who to contact for more information or questions.
How is that information organized?
Each one starts out asking for submissions and why they are looking. Then, each call tells the interested participant the guidelines on how they should submit their proposal. They tell the deadline and most tell when the expected response time is on whether their art was accepted or not. The calls ask for digital submissions and where to send it to and information on who to contact if their are questions or concerns.
Consider the design choices in each call. Name one positive
aspect of each of the call’s organization of information and one negative
A positive aspect about the Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program is the samples of proposals.
A positive aspect about BOX 13 ArtSpace is they give the opportunity of the option on where you would like your art in the gallery space.
A positive aspect about the Circuit Gallery is they have an expected response time.
How does the design relate to/reflect the content of the call?
Each call gives a formal design that reflects intent into how they submitted their call.
Did you have anything negative to say about each one of these calls? Anything you might suggest to improve them? The response to the last question needs more specifics.